Feel Better, Look Better, Get Better

That’s Plexus!


“I never realized how hard it was to put myself out there for everyone to see/judge. But in the 5 months I have been on plexus you can see the changes for yourself. 5 months ago I was almost 40lbs heaver, has absolutely no energy, and my IBS was terrible. Now 5 months later I feel amazing have energy again and my IBS is under control. Plexus has truly change my life.”



New Product!


I am soooo excited that our company has come out with a new Accelerator. Check out Accelerator+. This new product is new and improved without the ingredient which caused some concerns about false positive readings on drug screens. (Geranium Flower Extract). This one will not cause any issues. All orders placed after Nov 6th will receive the new Accelerator+. Message me for more information!!!!

From Plexus Worldwide:
Accelerator+ contains many of the same ingredients that our Ambassadors and Customers have grown to love since its introduction in 2010, and now takes the next step towards being the best supplement of its type!

Accelerator+ has ingredients that help the body turn up its food processing speed and encourages it to not react as dramatically to glucose, or what we also call blood sugar. When that happens, less is stored as fat and your body won’t be as apt to demand more food to feel better, so you won’t be as hungry. Plexus Slim, the other half of this combo, also addresses these same things in the body but from a slightly different direction.

Ingredients in Accelerator+ are natural substances and are considered safe for everyone. If you do have serious health issues, just ask your physician if it is ok for you to take and if it will be compatible with your medications. The main ingredients are Higenamine, Hordenine, 5-HTP, Hawthorne Extract, Green Tea Extract and Yerba Mate. When this special blend comes together to make Accelerator+, you have something that is targeted toward helping you hit your goals… sooner!

Accelerator+ will be available for purchase and begin shipping November 6th.

Order Yours Here:


Still Skeptic?

Plexus Slim is a 100% All Natural Weight Loss Product. No caffeine, No stimulants, NO MEAL REPLACEMENTS. Just one simple pink drink added to your day can result in this:


Amber says ~ “

Plexus has changed my life in more ways than I could ever express.

I was a true skeptic and finally said why not? I just knew it wouldn’t work and I’d be able to get my money back and get on with my life.

Now, just 7 months later I look back and say WOW! I’m still in shock by the difference it’s made in my health, confidence, and especially my financial future.

If I’m in a dream, please don’t pinch me!!! If you’re sitting on the fence, listen to me! It’s worth a shot! You could change everything by just choosing yes right now!”

Choose YES right now:




Jessi’s Story


Jessi says ~” Down over 30″ and 40 pounds while breastfeeding! These pictures are showing the same dress and same baby on me in a years time. It has since been 5 months, and I have maintained my weight taking breaks from plexus due to trips (unplanned). I did not start the Accelerator until she was 9 months, but it never bothered her or her schedule in any way. I drink Slim with 2 Accelerators and 2 Xfactors every morning approx an hour before breakfast. I eat clean (no processed) and take ProBio5 at bedtime.”




You Have To Take That 1st Step!


Heidi says ~
“Ok…first off…I commend anyone who can get healthy and lose weight through clean eating and exercise alone and I believe that it should be the first route that people go when trying to lose weight. WITH THAT SAID:

Most of you that have known me a while know that for the first 22 years of my life I was fat! 235 lbs of fat. It is what it is. Then one day about 5 years ago I was fed up of being the biggest girl of all of my friends so I made some changes. First just diet changes.

Who would’ve thought that not stuffing my face with junk food would help me lose weight. About -50 lbs later I incorporated a little exercise into the routine and lost an additional 40 lbs. That’s right. Almost 100 lbs that I got rid of through diet and exercise alone and kept it off for a little over 3 years. So I’m pretty confident in the fact that I know how to lose weight.

HOWEVER, this past year and a half of my life was a little different. Clothes started getting tighter and fitting much differently despite the fact that me and my husband had been doing bootcamp for almost a year. I avoided the scale since there was a lot of weight training involved but despite the exercise and the better eating habits, something wasn’t right. After having an ATOMIC MELTDOWN at bootcamp one morning due to the fact that I could feel the excess weight on me, I couldn’t keep up anymore, I felt extremely weak, I could’ve slept for days, and because I was just plain fed up of doing everything the “right way” with no luck, my husband suggested I go to the doctor to see what’s going on.

A week later and I was on medication for a hypothyroid and had also learned for the first time how much weight I had gained. I had gained 25 lbs in about 8 months despite a good diet and bootcamp an hour a day, four days a week for almost a year. This was NOT 25 lbs of muscle by the way. SOOO, there is where the real struggle started. Back on the horse with continued healthy diet and exercise. Hmmm..no change. Next…weight watchers and a brand new gym membership. Hmmm….3 months later…3-5 lbs. Next…meal replacement shakes for a month! No go! I just THOUGHT 90 lbs was hard to lose. WRONG!!! This stupid 25 lbs wasn’t going anywhere! And not because i wasn’t trying and trying everything, including diet and exercise which I have known to work in the past.

At my most desperate point this past year I restricted carbs and fats, dairy, bread, sugars, and FRUIT for crying out loud. I did this for four weeks straight. No cheat days at all!!!! I lost 10 lbs but look at what i had to restrict to get there!! UNREALISTIC!!!! So, of course as quick as it came off, it came back on. I had thrown in the towel, fed up and tired, but other than surgery and diet pills, I had done everything that I felt safe doing.

Then, oh glorious day. Plexus presented itself to me. I was very skeptical at first for two reasons. 1)because I had failed with everything else already 2) I think diet pills do more damage than good.

I did my research. Plexus isn’t a diet pill. It’s an all natural supplement. No drugs, no artificial flavors, safe enough for diabetics, breast feeding moms, and kids. It’s a drink that was made for type 2 diabetics to regulate blood sugars. Some of the side effects were weight loss and lower cholesterol. My plexus drink is no different than what someone wanting to gain muscle would do with their pre or post workout protein drink or amino acids. My drink just helps me burn fat. No scary side effects, no dangerous chemicals, just natural ingredients that help regulate my blood sugar (even though I’m not diabetic), and help keep my cravings under control.

In my first two months starting Plexus I got the 25 lbs off that I’d be struggling with for the last year. To the point that I was able to start boot camp back three weeks ago, and really make some changes! Plexus has brought back a whole new wave of confidence in me and in my ability to get past the mind set that “it’s just not going to happen for me.” I am so thankful for this amazing product and what it’s done for so many people that have struggled like I have. People who have truly given diet and exercise their all with little to no results for whatever reason whether it be stress, health issues, medical conditions, or just need that little extra push with will power and self discipline. Thank you Plexus .”




I Call That SUCCESS!


Make today the FIRST DAY of the rest of your life just like Melinda did 5 weeks ago:

Melinda says ~
“My journey has been amazing so far! I’ve lost 25lbs in 5 weeks an over 38in combined inches!!! I feel awesome. I’ve had no swelling in my legs/ankles, no heartburn, and no achy knees/legs at night in over a month!! That means no daily nexium or aleve for me.

I drink my pink first thing in the morning and take 1 acc. 30 min later and then another acc. around noon. Just 2 days ago I added probio @night and bio cleanse in the morning! Tons of water. I’m so excited about my plexus journey!!”

Let’s get your Plexus ordered today:




Why Plexus?

1) Plexus takes 1 min a day to do

2) Affordable

3)  No Prepackage Foods

4) No Meal Replacement

5)  Avoid Big Allergens

6)  No chemicals or GMO products.  All natural. No artificial  sweeteners

7) Mitigates Rebound Weight Gain

8) Improves Overall Health on Top of Weight Loss

9) Simple to do and explain

10)  So successful it Encourages Referrals

11) Backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee





Feel Better With Plexus


“April says ~ Okay….deep breath! I think I finally feel ready to do this. I don’t do pics of me, DEFINITELY NOT full-body shots, and CERTAINLY not for the whole world to see, but I’m doing it now! I’ve been on Plexus for 90 days now, and I’ve lost 25 pounds, 2 jean sizes, lots of inches, depression, lethargy, and low self-esteem! My knees have also stopped complaining!

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea shortly before I started Plexus, and I was facing a choice: buy a CPAP machine (which really felt like accepting that I’d always be overweight and need that stupid machine) or, instead, put my money into Plexus and get healthy! I am SO GLAD I chose Plexus!

My husband tells me I do not snore anymore, which is HUGE (it was really bad. I was on the couch a lot so he could sleep), and I truly believe sleep apnea is no longer a problem for me. The shortness of breath that I used to feel when I was half asleep, which is what prompted me to get the sleep study, is gone. I still have a long way to go, but I could not be more confident that I’m going to get there! Plexus has been life-changing for me. I no longer believe that obesity is my reality and that I cannot overcome it. I’m doing it! Plexus makes it possible!

I take slim and 2 accelerators in the morning, 4 BioCleanse throughout the day and 2 ProBio5 at night. I exercise on my Wii Fit 3-5 times a week (because I CAN now…I have the energy to!) and I really enjoy it. I also walk my daughter back and forth to school everyday, morning and afternoon (when the weather cooperates).

I set a long-term goal for myself, that by the time I turn 40 next May I want to lose 100 pounds. It always seemed so unattainable before, but not anymore! I am 1/4 of the way there in 90 days! I have more confidence and more energy and feel happier than I can ever remember. I thank God and my dear friend Amy  for bringing Plexus into my life and giving me hope! Now I believe it is my calling to share it with others and help them change their lives the same way I am. I’m super excited about that! I just can’t wait to see what the next 90 days will bring for me and anyone else that I can bring along with me!”

Results ARE typical.

I love all things Plexus.

Gets yours today.




Lose Weight | Gain Health + MONEY


Plexus has changed my life and not just mine. We hear stories like this every single day. I’d love for you to be our next SUCCESS story. I’m just an email away.

From Betsy C:

“Ok so here it goes. This is my second testimony using our amazing products because I have been with our company since May 2012, and then got pregnant in late July of 2012. Just had my second baby on April 22, 2013.

I am using the Plexus Slim drink without accelerator because I am nursing, probio5, biocleanse, and x-factor. I am currently down over 10 pounds and over 10 inches. Because I have been super busy being a mommy of two, I have been unfortunately eating more unhealthy than ever, so these results are incredible. I am still losing every week and feeling so healthy and good!!

Not only that, but I am now a Senior Gold ambassador turning the corner to Ruby quickly. I prayed for God to bring a means of income so I could stay home and raise my babies and my prayers and expectations are exceeded every single day!!!

I make 5 times more than I could working outside of the home and work 90% less!! Oh, and I am having the time of my life doing it. Helping people get healthy and wealthy is so much fun, especially when you have God-sent products that you are so passionate about. My whole family is on board and we are rocking the PINK DRINK!! So thankful to my Daddy God for opening this door for me and my family.”


