The Fab Four


Please go to my website and do your research on these fabulous four products. I take them daily, as does my family. We have experienced such tremendous healthy changes in our lives because of them. Feel free to email me and ask me ANY questions at ANY time. Everyone should know about Plexus and what it can do.


I Was Just Thinking …


People will not blink twice at the price of a coffee from their local coffee shop, but they will complain about the cost of health products. 

People don’t hesitate to feed their addictions like diet soda, cigarettes, sugary treats; however, they will turn up their nose at whole food prices. 

What is your “guilty pleasure”? Is it hindering you from being the best, possible you? Mine was Diet Dr. Pepper. I drank them constantly; all day long. With Plexus, I no longer even desire soda, which means I no longer purchase soda, which means I’m saving money while getting healthy. 

This is just my story. What’s yours? Do you even have one yet? Want one? Let’s find out if Plexus is for you.




Do You Need A Probiotic?


In my personal opinion, Plexus has the very best one out there.

As a result of the modern lifestyle, most of our bodies are burdened with toxic waste and sluggish metabolisms. Having an excess of toxic waste can leave the body tired, achy, and bloated, with a low energy level and weakened immune system. Detoxification is a process that expels excess waste and accumulated toxins from our body. Fortunately, Plexus has developed products to help the body detoxify and cleanse the gastro-intestinal tract and arteries.

Do you suffer from sugar cravings, inexplicable fatigue or bloating, anxiety or a “brain fog”? Fortunately, ProBio5 provides a solution to many of today’s “mystery” symptoms. ProBio5 features five extra strength probiotics, added enzymes, intestinal flora, B6 Grape Seed extract and vitamin C— all in one effective delivery system that supports the breaking down of hostile organisms that negatively impact your health.

ProBio5 will typically provide the following results: Relief from typical Candida symptoms, which may include anxiety, recurring irritability, heartburn, indigestion, lethargy, extreme food and environmental allergies, acne, dry, flaky, itchy skin, jock itch, migraine headaches, recurring cystitis/vaginal infections, premenstrual tension, and menstrual problems. A very large percentage of the population, all ages, sexes and races have a yeast overgrowth and don’t even know it!

Check out my website here to begin your research and then message me. I’d love help you start your journey to healthy today.


Another Success Story


Jessi says ~

“Down over 30″ and 40 pounds while breastfeeding! These pictures are showing the same dress and same baby on me in a years time. It has since been 5 months, and I have maintained my weight taking breaks from plexus due to trips (unplanned). I did not start the Accelerator until she was 9 months, but it never bothered her or her schedule in any way. I drink Slim with 2 Accelerators and 2 Xfactors every morning approx an hour before breakfast. I eat clean (no processed) and take ProBio5 at bedtime. Feel free to share. Hugs!”

As with any dietary supplement, we encourage you to speak to your doctor before beginning Plexus, especially while breast feeding. This is a testimony as to what it has done for Jessi. Let’s see what it can do for you.


Why Plexus?


Life is all about seasons and I want to know: What Season Are You In?

Are you ready to get healthy? Is weight-loss your main focus right now? Are you on a mission to become debt-free and to have financial freedom?

This is just my personal opinion, but I feel like I’m sitting on a golden opportunity here with Plexus.  I’m from the south and y’all know southern’s love to share. I want to share this opportunity with you.

What I love about Plexus Worldwide is the fact that they started out as a breast health company. Have you seen this video featured on “The Doctor’s” TV show? Next, came our Plexus Slim which was originally created to help people lower blood sugars, lipids, etc. Our Plexus Slim is my #1 favorite product and I never plan to approach another day without drinking this one little pink drink. From there, our company continued research and development of various other health and wellness products. The list goes on and on. We have eleven amazing products to get you 1. healthy from the inside out and 2. assist you in becoming your ideal weight.

All of the above is why I became a part of this wonderful company. I knew the products worked. I loved them and wanted to take them long-term. I signed up with the only intention of getting my products at wholesale. This home-based business was a very unexpected surprise. Without doing anything but telling family and friends what Plexus products had done for me (and them seeing the results with their own eyes), checks starting rolling in. It became exciting to see just how many checks I’d get a month in my mailbox.

Am I making a fortune? No. (Not Yet) I’m in a very busy season of life with two active teenage boys, a traveling hubby, church events, typical spring, etc. However, our added income has afforded us a lot of “play money” and we are experiencing things we would never have taken the money out of our family budget to do. Every weekend feels like a “staycation”. Thank You, Plexus!

There’s so much more I could say about Plexus. I love the people, the products and the company. Email me today and let’s begin your success story.  I promise, if you join my team, you’ll have all the tips, training, and personal coaching I can possibly provide. We love our team and we stick together.



More Energy = More Life

Those are the words that stuck out to me during my Bible Study with a friend today.

More Energy = More Life.

Think about that for a moment. How true is that? If you are like me, you’ve experienced the lack of health, energy, desired weight, etc that comes from just eating junk and not taking care of yourself.

In the past two years since I started Plexus, I have started swimming, hiking, going out on dress-up date nights, etc. I have played on the beach with my family, I have been horseback riding, I am about to start kayaking.  I have so much more life now and I enjoy every day more than I remember before Plexus.

Let Plexus be the tool that helps you enjoy your life. Get healthy, gain energy and enjoy your life.




Motivational Monday

What motivates you to stick to your plan and reach your goals?

Is it Plexus testimonies like this:


Is it knowing that getting healthy includes eating like this:


Or, is it when that dreaded scale finally starts to move?


Whatever it is, DON’T GIVE UP. Plexus is a tool that helps you reach the goals you have set for yourself. Get healthy and let weight loss become a side effect. That’s what happened to me. I’d love to share my short with you. Email me.


I’m Back!

What a great week off I had with my family and friends. It was so nice to just take a few days off and enjoy the beach. As they say in Hawaii, “No Worries, Brah.” Love it.

Another wonderful thing about today is that as soon as I log onto my computer I see testimonies like this one I’m about to share with you. I just love all things Plexus. The company, the products and the amazing people it’s brought into my life. (That check I received while vacationing was fun, too)


I love this testimony. I always encourage people to exercise and eat healthy while they are taking Plexus Slim! Plexus Slim makes losing weight easy because it curbs your appetite, it controls those cravings, it gives you energy, and it just makes you feel SO GOOD!

Jaina says – “I wanted to share my story for anyone who is skeptical about trying Plexus! I love to exercise, but after months of exercising and watching what I ate I was still struggling to lose the pounds that I had acquired during my pregnancy. A few months earlier my friend had told me about Plexus, but I was unreceptive because I was going to do it the “right way.” However, in my frustration with my weight I decided to start researching it. What really convinced me to try it was the many testimonials coming from other women who like me were nursing. I started with a 7 day trial of the slim only and after 3 days I was excited to sign up. My before picture is me 2 weeks into my Plexus journey. I was a size 12. The after picture is me at a size 6. I still exercise and eat healthily, but Plexus has made it so much easier!”

Email me and let’s get your SUCCESS STORY started today.

Monday Motivation


Amber says ~ “I have not updated in a while, so I wanted to share my pics. I started Plexus in March 2013, very very sick with Celiac disease, Barrett’s esophagus, high blood pressure, migraines, and Hashimoto’s disease.

Since starting, I have lost 40lbs, I am off ALL medications (7 in all) that I was on for the above illnesses, and I have gained control of my digestion and eating behaviors, which were erratic from the time i was 12 yrs old.

Please be patient with Plexus and let it do it’s job! Don’t expect a miracle if it took many years to get where you’re at. Plexus works! I am living proof.”

I agree with Amber. Plexus Works. Are you ready to take your first step? Email me at