Happy Sunday!

… and these Plexus Stories make me so happy!


Mandy says – “My Plexus Journey began December 7, 2013. I had my 3rd son in June 2013 and after having him 7 weeks premature and a 15 day stay in the NICU I began gaining weight rapidly! I weighed 218 the day he was born and by December I was weighing around 245 pounds!! The Biggest I had ever been in my life!

I had severe back pain because I have a double compression herniation and a deteriorating disc in my lower back, and took 4 and sometimes 5 prescription pain meds a day. My knees hurt so bad I couldn’t walk well, I had no energy and had to nap at 2pm everyday. I ate sugars and carbs like a mad woman and I was extremely depressed!

I saw posts on FB about Plexus Slim and finally messaged the lady and asked what it was. I got 2 -3 day trials from her and was kinda skeptical at first. I told her if I didn’t need a nap for those 3 days I was sold! Well guess what??…No nap since December 6, 2013!! I am now down 20 pounds at last weigh in and over 30 inches total!! I take the slim/Acc Combo and Probio 5 and just started the Bio Cleanse last night! Oh yeah and I now may have to take half a pain pill every few days!!! I feel Amazing!!! I have as much energy as I did 10 years ago when I had my first son! No more sodas, sweets and I can eat carbs in a healthy way! 

Thank you Plexus for giving me my life back!! It has been a true God Send!!”

Get healthy first! Plexus can help. Email me at plexuscheryl@ymail.com




If you had told me just 3 short months ago that I’d join the smoothie kick, I would have told you that you are crazy.


…. and if you had told me I’d be adding things like spinach, you would have been certifiable in my book.

However, with Plexus 96 all that has changed.

I began using it as a snack-on-the-go. Then, I got a little more creative with it.  When Plexus came out with a chocolate option, I was in. It’s no secret I don’t get enough fruits and veggies in otherwise. This has been a great way for me to make sure I do.

Happy Friday! Drink your pink (and chocolate)


Let’s Talk Transformation

I do not in any way think of Plexus as a “diet”. Even with all the weight and inches I’ve lost this is not a diet. How can it be? I’ve kept the weight off for 27 months now. That’s not like any diet I’ve ever tried before. So often I hear, “… but what about after you lose the weight. If/when you stop taking Plexus, will the weight come back?” My answer, “I guess I’ll never know. I love these products and how they make me feel (from the inside out) that I’d never stop taking them.”

This is about so much more than weight loss. It’s about being the best possible me I can be. I feel good and I sleep good and everyone knows that as a mother, that in itself can change the dynamics of your whole family. Let’s just say all four of us are taking Plexus products daily and three of them are happy Mama does. 🙂

Plexus gave me the tools I needed to curb sugar cravings while starting this “get healthy” mission. I’m so thankful for that. I needed time to research, learn and experience what feeling good was really like.

Recently, I’ve added to that and I’m having even greater success.


I’ve incorporated The Daniel Plan into my life. It’s all about Faith, Food, Fitness and Focus; all areas where I need improvement. This is also teaching me to get healthy and stay healthy in ways that are attainable. No more “fad diets” for me. I’m on a lifestyle mission. I am also on a Elimination Diet page on facebook with a great group of gals that are teaching me more than I ever knew about eating clean.

Are you interested in joining us? I am considering opening up a facebook group committed to Faith, Food, Fitness and Focus with The Daniel Plan as our staple. I’d be happy to have you join us.  Yes, there will be some talk about Plexus thrown in; I can’t help myself. It is a huge part of me.

If you’d like to join us, email me at plexuscheryl@ymail.com.  Let’s Do This.


Suzanne says ~

“Finally put it together & ready to share! This is my very own “Before” & “During” Plexus photo and I think it says a lot! I know I still have more weight & inches to lose but I am very happy with what I have achieved this far! I have lost 37 lbs, countless inches, no longer take prescription medication for the following: fibromyalgia, arthritis, high blood pressure or acid reflux!

Did Plexus “cure” me? Absolutely NOT but it has allowed me to feel better than I have in many years, get off of my prescription meds (with my doctor’s approval), my blood work was simply fantastic this year & I am currently living about 95% pain free (& for those days not so pain free – I have the Fast Relief products by Plexus)! I thank God every day for bringing Plexus into my life!”

Are you ready to start your Plexus? Let’s talk.



What Does 40 Pounds Look Like?


Linda Says:
“I could barely hold these four ten pound bags of spuds for this photo. I can’t believe I carried them around every day!! This really made me understand how far I’ve come and the continuing health benefits I will have as my Plexus journey continues. Don’t quit, don’t give up, and don’t let the scale defeat you! Love my Pink Drink and how it has helped me reclaim my life!!”
Let’s reclaim your life!

Motivational Monday

What motivates you to stick to your plan and reach your goals?

Is it Plexus testimonies like this:


Is it knowing that getting healthy includes eating like this:


Or, is it when that dreaded scale finally starts to move?


Whatever it is, DON’T GIVE UP. Plexus is a tool that helps you reach the goals you have set for yourself. Get healthy and let weight loss become a side effect. That’s what happened to me. I’d love to share my short with you. Email me. plexuscheryl@ymail.com


Pink Drink Friday!


Good Morning & Happy Pink Drink Friday.

How do you like your Plexus? Here’s a great tip for you. If you have trouble sleeping, mix your slim in a cup of warm water. Drink it just before bed time. I do this occasionally & sleep like a baby. Twice this week hubby swears he kissed me good-bye like he does every morning, but I don’t remember a thing.  However, when I do wake up I’m so rested. Try it & let me know how you do.

Order our Plexus at the menu tab above OR just click here. (pssst…..go to my facebook page to request a free sample. Click here)

Transformation Thursday!

Hello! Hello!

How are you doing on this first day of Spring? Dare I ask where you are with your New Year’s Resolution? If you’ve stuck with it, I applaud you. If you had a few set backs, join the crowd (who hasn’t?). If you just never got the hang of things, never fear! It’s not too late.

I have decided to become healthier by eating clean. I didn’t do this as a New Year  Resolution. In fact, I just stated 4 days ago.  I’ve spent the past 3 1/2 months doing my research, pinning recipes, buying books and filling my mind with thoughts of “lean, green, clean” food.

I have been very happy with how this week has gone for me so far. (Research is the key).  I initially thought I’d be stuck on what I couldn’t eat and wouldn’t get past that hurdle. Oh, how wrong I was. There’s so much I can eat. I’m thrilled.

I am not a chef by any means! However, this week has had me cooking, enjoying and seeking out food:





I think I’m going to start a series to share my new, favorite recipes of the week. If you’d like to join me, send me your best, healthy recipe and I’ll try it out. (Can’t be too difficult, now. Again … “Cheryl Don’t Cook”. At least, until now).

‘Til Tomorrow.


~Plexus Cheryl

Plexus Is For Men, Too!


Maria shares…
“This is my husband’s progress with Plexus. He began using the Slim/Accelerator combo in August of 2013. After a while, he decided to test for Candida overgrowth and had a bad case of it. He was also having some blood in his stool and was getting ready to visit the doctor. He added ProBio5 right away and first and foremost, the bleeding stopped immediately. We were thrilled.

Once he started ProBio5, his weight loss was jump-started again. He has also lost countless inches and as you can see in the photos has gained CRAZY muscle mass. He now uses Slim in the morning and ProBio5 at night using only a maintenance dose to keep the Candida away. He uses Acclerator+ as well.”


Tuesday’s Testimony

… and it’s a great one!


Diane says –

“Starting week 8 tomorrow: Are you ready for this? This is why plexus works, it’s not just about weight loss it’s about getting healthy or as I always say finding your lost healthy!

It feels so good to have my Dr call me personally to say “here is your pat on the back”!!

Blood tests from 4 months ago to yesterday & 8 weeks on plexus:
C-reactive from 6.5 to 2.29!
A1C from 5.3 to 5.2 !
Fasting insulin from 16.7 to 10.2!
Total cholesterol from 192 to 166!!
Bad cholesterol LDL from 144 to 113!!!!!
Vitamin D from 18.9 up to 35!!!!

And my complete metabolic panel was NORMAL. It hasn’t been normal in over 2 years!!!
Off all meds for RA and Fibromyalgia and down 19.5lbs and over 32″

How awesome is that????? This girl is on fire!!”

Love it! Email me today and let’s talk! plexuscheryl@ymail.com