Exciting Stuff Happening at Plexus


Plexus Worldwide is currently holding their annual convention right now.

It’s an exciting time.

I could not attend due to family obligations (and let’s face it, with this business family always comes first); however, next year I WILL be there. Will you join me?

As an ever evolving company that listens to both Ambassadors and Customers, Plexus is launching two new products very soon. Once my website has been updated to reflect the info, I will post it here on this page. Please, come back and find out what all this excitement is about.

Can Plexus be the tool to help you become the best possible (healthy) you ever? Let’s find out.



A Wednesday Weigh-In Post


Dominique says~
“I don’t normally share pictures of myself, but I wanted to share my testimony to help others. I have been on Plexus for 12 weeks. In the first 30 days it dropped my total cholesterol 99points! I am now off cholesterol medication. I has helped me with postpartum depression and some other anxiety depression issues I had from losing our baby and my dad within 30 days of each other.
It has alleviated my frequent headaches, my allergies are better, I have 0 fatigue, I have lost 31 lbs and 30 inches in 12 weeks, and to be honest I feel amazing!! It has helped me with my acne, helped me focus better, helped me gain a confidence I have never in my life had! I am sold on plexus and I am a lifer!!
I take the pink drink and 1-2 Accelerator along with Probio5. I love all these products, I am going to be adding some Biocleanse and body cream for scaring on my face and skin tags. I am so excited about plexus I could scream. I hope to inspire others to jump on this band wagon because it is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. I, like a lot of moms and wives, get so busy taking care of my family, I forgot about my self along the way. I am so thankful for what plexus is doing for me, and can not wait  to see how much more not only weight I lose but how much my health improves. My name is Dominique and I am a product of the product.”
What can Plexus do for you? Message me and we’ll talk.

Summer Is Around The Corner

Are you ready?

Ready to feel better?

To be better (healthier)?

To look better?


What are you weight-ing for?  Plexus is a tool that can help you be the best you possible. Look at the sidebar for my personal story. That’s why I’m passionate about all things Plexus and I want YOU to sample it for yourself.


Message Me!



A Fit Friday Update


Paul says – “Here is my current “work in progress” picture since starting my Plexus health journey. Can Plexus work for you????? I believe it can. All you have to do is take that leap of faith and see for yourself. Not only have I lost weight and inches, as you can see in the picture on the right, I have the energy to carry around my 5 year old son throughout the zoo and anywhere else I need to, with little effort. Not bad for a guy that doesn’t work out. I feel better than I have in years and I can’t wait to see what is in store for me tomorrow.”

What can Plexus do for you? Let’s talk.



This Makes Me Happy!


I saw this on a friends page today and I immediately thought, “That’s Me!”. Seriously. I am now incomplete control of my health, my life, my body, etc. All of those old food issues are a thing of the past. No more sleepless nights. No more sluggish mid afternoons. No more running to the chips and soda when I’m bored. I personally owe this all to Plexus. I have never been healthier and I have never felt better.

Can Plexus do this for you? There’s only one way to find out. Email me and let’s talk. Tell me what the one area that you want to tackle first is and I’ll recommend a product that I believe will help you. Are there any cures? No. However, Plexus is the best tool to a healthy life I’ve ever found (and I’ve been looking!).




Exciting News!


I love this company!

Plexus is constantly listening to our needs, concerns and desires AND they are constantly evolving and growing.

There’s a new product coming out very soon. I will NEVER recommend something to you that I have not taken myself. I’ve been taking this product for almost a week now and I LOVE IT. I have a nice boost of energy and my appetite is greatly suppressed.

Stay tuned. I’ll let you know when you can try it yourself.  Until then, stay tuned …..


More Energy = More Life

Those are the words that stuck out to me during my Bible Study with a friend today.

More Energy = More Life.

Think about that for a moment. How true is that? If you are like me, you’ve experienced the lack of health, energy, desired weight, etc that comes from just eating junk and not taking care of yourself.

In the past two years since I started Plexus, I have started swimming, hiking, going out on dress-up date nights, etc. I have played on the beach with my family, I have been horseback riding, I am about to start kayaking.  I have so much more life now and I enjoy every day more than I remember before Plexus.

Let Plexus be the tool that helps you enjoy your life. Get healthy, gain energy and enjoy your life.







Happy Sunday!

… and these Plexus Stories make me so happy!


Mandy says – “My Plexus Journey began December 7, 2013. I had my 3rd son in June 2013 and after having him 7 weeks premature and a 15 day stay in the NICU I began gaining weight rapidly! I weighed 218 the day he was born and by December I was weighing around 245 pounds!! The Biggest I had ever been in my life!

I had severe back pain because I have a double compression herniation and a deteriorating disc in my lower back, and took 4 and sometimes 5 prescription pain meds a day. My knees hurt so bad I couldn’t walk well, I had no energy and had to nap at 2pm everyday. I ate sugars and carbs like a mad woman and I was extremely depressed!

I saw posts on FB about Plexus Slim and finally messaged the lady and asked what it was. I got 2 -3 day trials from her and was kinda skeptical at first. I told her if I didn’t need a nap for those 3 days I was sold! Well guess what??…No nap since December 6, 2013!! I am now down 20 pounds at last weigh in and over 30 inches total!! I take the slim/Acc Combo and Probio 5 and just started the Bio Cleanse last night! Oh yeah and I now may have to take half a pain pill every few days!!! I feel Amazing!!! I have as much energy as I did 10 years ago when I had my first son! No more sodas, sweets and I can eat carbs in a healthy way! 

Thank you Plexus for giving me my life back!! It has been a true God Send!!”

Get healthy first! Plexus can help. Email me at plexuscheryl@ymail.com

