Less Than 1 Year & 90 Pounds Gone


Leslie’s Update:
“I have to say, at times, I honestly don’t see a difference in the mirror. I guess I’ve forgotten what I really looked like. Buying clothes, while still not my most favorite thing to do, is a lot more enjoyable when you try on something and realize it’s too big, not too little! I’m not skinny, don’t claim to be. But I’m a lot smaller now than I have been in about 15 years, and I continue to watch the numbers on the scale slowly go down. I’m down a total of about 90 lbs now, and at least 65 inches. Thank you, Plexus for being an amazing blessing in my life!I take Slim, 2 accelerators, 2 probio, 3 biocleanse, and 2 xfactor each morning, 30 minutes before breakfast and when I remember, 2 probio and 3 biocleanse before bed.”

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